For one thing, I submitted an animated short to the Washington Filmworks 2010 Viral Video competition, and somehow it won. You can see the short here.
The short was popular enough that it got the attention of Tony White, who very kindly invited me to his "2D or Not 2D Animation Festival." Make sure to buy his books.
Fun times.
I've brought this blog back from the dead because I've found a really terrific article that sums up my frustrations with the "animation elite." You can read it here on Dave Levy's excellent blog. You'd think a medium as open-ended and diverse as ours would spawn artists who respect all styles of animation, and not just that of the golden age's, but you'd be surprised. Why would anyone want to limit animation's potential?
Animators are weird people sometimes.
Make sure to buy Dave's books too.
I'll leave you with a drawing. Here's a storyboard panel from my short. As with most drawings, the original sketch has a little more vitality than the fully-inked drawing. Oh well...
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